I feel doubly blessed to be deemed Stylish again! Thanks so much to Jen at Jen's Bookshelf for making a tough week a little brighter.
As is the custom here in this strange (e)land. Here are seven things about me:
1) Actual style. My actual style is pretty much non-existent. My clothes, aside from the fabulous yellow crocs, range from olive green to brown. I wear jeans everyday-- ill-fitting baggy ones-- and shapeless thrift store sweaters. A student once told me "My jacket costs more than your whole wardrobe" and you know, he was probably right.
2) This summer, my family spent almost two weeks Newfoundland. We loved it, and dreamed about living in "Jerry's Nose", a small town on the Port au Port Peninsula
3) I was a vegetarian for over ten years, though now I am able (sorta) to slaughter and eat our own sheep, pigs and chickens. I still don't buy meat from the grocery store.
4) Back when I was a vegetarian, I volunteered to take care of rescued wildlife at a local zoo/refuge. My first job was to cut "bite sized" chunks for the carnivores from this bloody pile of raw meat. It was close to a hundred degrees that day, and there were hundreds of shiny black flies that'd buzz up from the carcass every time I touched it. I spent my whole three hours doing this without complaint and never went back.
5) I am a rockhound. I used to cut and polish stones and make jewelry for a hobby.
6) The best vehicle I ever owned was a little red Nissan Truck with a white cap (15 years later, I still miss it!) the worst was an olive green pinto named "Reuben"
7) I would be very happy owning almost nothing, living in a conversion van and traveling the highways. (My family, however, has other ideas.)
Okay, then. I'm sending this award on to these fabulous bloggers:
Amy at The Poem Farm
Samantha at The Slight Detour
Krista at Mother. Write. (Repeat.)
Llevinso at Sarcastic Female Literary Circle
Jen at OxyJen and Query Goblin
Marion at Joy and Wonder
Valerie at Something to Write About